2015 OAL is Here!

I’m so excited about this year’s Outfit Along!!

I missed OAL last year, mainly because I hadn’t discovered Lladybird’s blog until it ended, but what an awesome idea, to both sew a dress and knit a sweater to go along with it!  I love it, so maybe I can do this in two months?  Who knows, but I’ll try.

It starts June 1st and ends July 31st if you want to be eligible for prizes.

The two official patterns are McCall 6887 for the dress, and Vianne by Andi Satterlund for the sweater. It’s 20% off if you buy it before June 1st.  You can pretty much use any dress and sweater pattern, but I’d like to do something I wouldn’t normally choose for myself, and both are pretty great!

I love the cutout on the back of the dress.  At first I couldn’t decide between versions A or C, but I think it might come down to fabric.

chambray union indigoI have this gorgeous Robert Kaufman chambray in indigo that is lightweight and perfect for a summer dress.  I should have enough for version A, so I think I’ll do that one first.  Also, I imagine it would have less fitting issues with the skirt than version C, so quicker.

CotLin BlackberryI also went through my yarn stash and found some CotLin yarn from KnitPicks that I had enough of in Blackberry.  I bought this to make a jumper for my daughter a couple of years ago, but surprisingly I never got to it 😉  I think it’ll work well as a summer cardigan for me too!

I just started to swatch the yarn to make sure I like working with it, and of course that I make a sweater that fits…

We all know what I’m going to be working on for the next couple of months.  Let’s see if I can finish this one!  Are you joining in?

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